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Ashwagandha Root Tincture

Ashwagandha Root Tincture

Ashwagandha is said to give the strength and stamina of a horse, as per her name, which means “essence” of horse.

Ashwagandha is a wonderful tonic for the brain and nervous system, improving memory and cognition, supporting nervous system burnout and anxiety, and boosting GABA, a neurotransmitter known to have anti-anxiety and stress reducing effects.

Herbalist Jim McDonald says:

"Ashwagandha is exceptional for when your adrenal burnout isn’t something that’s happening, but has happened (maybe a while ago). You’re exhausted, but you can’t sleep, and when you do you don’t sleep deeply… You can’t think quite straight, your concentration is shot. You might find yourself more and more irritable. Perhaps your libido has also crashed, or is in other ways unreliable. But you’re still doing, doing, doing, because that’s what you do. And you’ll run yourself ragged before you let burnout stop you.” 

On a larger brain and nervous system scale, Ashwagandha has a history of being used not only to prevent but to treat cognitive disorders such as dementia and Alzheimers, and degenerative disorders of the nervous system such as Parkinson's and Huntingtons--studies have shown that ashwagandha can slow, stop, and reverse neuritic atrophy and synaptic loss, which is huge for individuals suffering from neuroregenerative disorders.

Can't sleep?  For those suffering from long term sleep issues, Ashwaganda gets to the root cause by helping to balance and regulate sleep cycles over time. 

In regards to hormones, Ashwagandha has a unique hormone modulating action, meaning that it can block absorption of excess hormones while allowing lower hormone levels to naturally rise.  Ashwagandha acts as a thermostat in this way, so it's not a concern that it can create an imbalance in the opposite way, it is always just modulating.

 promotes stamina and endurance, supports the immune system, and more.

As an adaptogen, ashwagandha of course supports the immune system, but as an immunomodulator, ashwagandha supports the body to inhibit the autoimmune response alltogether, acting as a thermostat for both over and underactive autoimmune conditions.  Ashwagandha really shines for autoimmune issues such as rheumatoid arthritis, hypothyroid, and conditions that affect the muscles and joints.

As a longevity tonic, Ashwagandha can be a wonderful companion for any age, but many people experiencing the side affects of aging or beginning the ascent into their crone years find her to be especially valuable, as she supports many common issues associated with aging, such as lack of stamina, cognition, immunity, and sleep, along with men suffering from low testosterone and low sperm count, and anyone suffering from low libido.



Fresh organic locally grown Ashwaganda root, Gluten Free Vodka

How to use

Take 2 droppers 2-3 times a day over an extended period of time for best results

This blend supports:

Nervous System Support: Burn out, the adrenal system, anxiety, Memory, Cognition

Sleep Support: Sleep cycle regulation, Circadian rhythm regulation, More restful sleep

Promotes Stamina: Libido, Stamina, Endurance

Immune support: Immune modulator, Autoimmune issues


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