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Burdock Root Tincture

Burdock Root Tincture

Burdock Root has a strong affinity for the gut, detox pathways, and the skin.

It is a rich source of inulin, a prebiotic material essential for keeping our good microbiome fed and healthy so that they reproduce and stay in our digestive tract.

It helps our skin in several ways—through its alterative action to help the body process overloaded toxins, along with helping the body digest fats better to allow for optimum cellular hydration and glowing, radiant skin.

In terms of opening the detox pathways and alterative action, burdock works to help move and clear our lymph, liver, kidneys, and blood, which helps our body to clear toxins, process hormones, and move lymph in a full spectrum matter.

Burdock is a bitter tonic, which can be taken before meals to assist the body in fat digestion. It will signal the gallbladder to release bile and the liver to prepare itself for digestion. Fat digestion is crucial for healthy cell structure and a nervous system, and if our body cannot digest the fats we eat, then they will pass through our digestive tract without getting any benefit. If you are someone who is chronically dry or dehydrated (think vata constitution or very dry skin, brittle skin/hair, etc), bitters may be the missing piece from your diet. 


Fresh, organic burdock root, 80 proof Gluten free vodka

How to use

Use intuitively. Take 1-2 droppers 2x a day or before meals to assist with digestion.

This blend supports:

Healthy Gut Flora
Inflammatory skin conditions
Assimilation of fats
Liver and Lymph


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