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Hemmorhoid Tincture Blend

Hemmorhoid Tincture Blend

This is a tincture that I made based off of Evolutionary Herbalism’s blog post “A Formula for an Embarrassing Condition.” It has helped several friends and family members of mine suffering from painful hemorrhoids.

(Formula by Evolutionary Herbalism, labeled Prolapse Tincture for discretion).

The following is a description of the formula taken directly from the Evolutionary Herbalism blog:

“30% Horse Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) circulatory stimulant and astringent. Warming/drying
25% Red Root (Ceanothus cuniatus) tonifies portal vein, astringent, bitter tonic. Cooling/drying
20% Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquifolium) bitter, disperses liver and portal stagnation, astringent. Cooling/drying
20% Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) sedates heat and inflammation, increases venous circulation, astringent. Cooling/drying
5% Ginger (Zingiber officinale) warming, circulatory stimulant, disperses blood stagnation. Warming/drying.

Thus we can see this formula has a wide range of medicinal actions. But the net quality of it is to astringe, tighten, and tonify the pelvic region, liver, portal vein, intestines, and vasculature. It will effectively drain fluid stagnation and circulate stagnant blood. The Ginger is added to help warm the formula up as most of the other remedies are cooling energetically."

For more specific information, listen to the podcast or read the post here:


Horse chestnut, Red Root, Oregon Grape, Yarrow, Ginger, GF Vodka

How to use

Sajah recommends the dosage as 1mL (30 drops) 5x a day for 1 week, then 3x a day until symptoms subside.

This blend supports:

Vein prolapse
Varicose veins
Gut dysbiosis


Labeled ‘Prolapse Tincture’ for discretion.

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