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Saturated Lip Plumper

Saturated Lip Plumper

**Now with bee venom!**

OMG a nontoxic lip plumper! No crazy chemicals or intense essential oils, just animal fats and plants!

Fats: Tallow and Ghee to naturally hydrate and plump and ensure the product soaks into the skin, Freshly pressed jojoba oil to help mimic the natural oils of the skin to add shine to your pout, Egg Yolk extract as a natural source of retinol to help fill in fine lines and wrinkles

Spotlight Herbs: Tremella mushroom to help your skin make its own hyaluronic acid (the natural ingredient in lip filler) and improve skin texture/smooth the lips, Cayenne pepper to promote blood volume circulation for an instant plump, Bee Venom for plumping and a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles!

Flavour Herbs—Inspired by Golden Milk: Turmeric, Ginger, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Black Pepper

Why bee venom?  Bee venom has a history of being used therapeutically since the early 20th century, and there is more and more research showing its therapeutic benefits that range from helping chronic illness to improving the appearance of skin.  In regards to skincare, bee venom has been shown to reduce the depth and appearance of wrinkles and plump the skin! 

Of course, it's important to make sure the bees that do so many wonderful things for us and our planet are treated well, and our bee venom is collected by placing a pheremone producing device outside that attracts the bees, just like if there was a person standing outside who they really enjoyed the smell of.  The bees sting the device, and the venom is collected on a glass tray.  Since the bee stingers aren't barbing into skin, the bees fly off on their merry way!

Handcrafted with love by Suzanne Woodard of Loomis Hill Botanics/Woodard Farms

Size: .5oz


Tallow, Ghee, Jojoba Oil, Cayenne, Tremella Mushroom, Egg Yolk Extract, Turmeric, Ginger, Cardamom, Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Responsibly Obtained Bee Venom

How to use

Use on your lips for an instant plump and watch your lips naturally get fuller over time. You can also use on targeted areas of the skin as well, just do a patch test and please avoid the eye area—cayenne burns!

This blend supports:

Naturally plump skin
Reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
The body's natural ability to retain moisture


May sting or burn on dehydrated skin (which the tremella should help with)

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