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St. John's Wort Herbal Oil

St. John's Wort Herbal Oil

St. John’s Wort is traditionally used for a variety of nerve issues, ranging from anxiety to nerve pain. When it comes to pain, St. John’s Wort can be very beneficial for a variety of pain levels and has a special affinity for nerve pain. For this reason, St. John’s Wort makes a lovely massage oil, as it can help relax tense muscles and help lessen nerve pain.

As a healing oil, St. John’s Wort is the most superior burn medicine that I have ever used. It seems counterintuitive, but the oil begins to draw the heat out of the burn as soon as it touches the skin. It works quickly and can be reapplied often, which is wonderful since most burns seem to slowly burn on over time.

St. John’s Wort is also extremely healing for the skin and for this reason is used on many minor topical skin issues.

St. John’s Wort blooms are traditionally harvested around the Summer Solstice, when the Sun’s rays are at their peak of warmth and the days are the longest they can be. While harvesting, if you crush the petals of the blooms in between your fingers, they will actually seem to bleed, secreting a dark red colour due to the hypericin content, which is responsible for much of St. John’s Wort’s medicinal properties.

Hypericin is fleeting, just like the days of summer, and begins to diminish the moment that the plant is picked, and for this reason it is imperative that any St. John’s Wort product be made with fresh plant matter.

St. John’s Wort oil has an immediate warming effect and can be used in the dark days of winter to remind us of what the sun feels like on our skin. It is a lovely nourishing ritual to oil a body or add a splash of this oil to the bath before bed. It nourishes and soothes our nervous system.

St. John’s Wort has a reputation for needing to be avoided while taking certain types of pharmaceuticals, but the oil can happily be used by all, as it is absorbed differently in the body when used transdermally.

St. John’s Wort oil is an amazing medicine for adults and children alike, in all stages of life.


Fresh St. John’s Wort leaves and blooms, Avocado Oil, GF Vodka (small amount for potency)

How to use

Apply liberally to body to relax the nervous system and sore muscles. Use as a massage or bath oil. Apply liberally to burns, cuts scrapes.

This blend supports:

Topical Pain Relief
Sore muscles
Nerve pain
Achy Joints
Burn pain
Topical Healing


*St. John’s Wort Oil is famous for its blood red colour. Every batch of SJW Oil made by SubLuna Botanicals is harvested within a two-week window before or after the Summer Solstice in order to preserve hypericin content, and the blooms and top third of the stems and leaves are used. Despite consistency in harvest time and a very precise, in depth extraction method, the colour of your oil will vary based on the plant itself. That is the beauty of whole plant medicine.*

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