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Strawberry Tulsi Dessert Nectar

Strawberry Tulsi Dessert Nectar

Oxymels are a blend of vinegar and honey. Not only do they provide that signature sweet and sour flavour profile, but they also extract a wide variety of bioavailable vitamins and minerals.

This dessert nectar is uplifting to the spirit and tastes like candy!  It was originally supposed to be limited edition, but it has been requested so much that we brought it back--Not only do you get a variety of vitamins and minerals that tastes great, but you also get the many medicinal benefits of tulsi, strawberry, and vanilla, including adaptogenic, immune, gut support, and more.

One of our shop manager Alex's creations, made for SubLuna with love!


ACV, Honey, Tulsi, Strawberry, Vanilla

How to use

Enjoy it as a mocktail in a glass of sparkling water or by the spoonful!

This blend supports:


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