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Wild Lettuce Tincture

Wild Lettuce Tincture

Wild lettuce is one of our top pain relieving herbs, as it works directly upon the central nervous system to block its ability to feel pain. 

With a specific affinity for nerve pain, wild lettuce can be helpful for sciatica, fibromyalgia, and more along with other types of pain such as menstrual, digestive, and muscular cramping thanks to it's antispasmodic abilities.

It also has a relaxing effect on our nervous system, which makes it a valuable nervine, especially for those experiencing chronic pain that can keep them in fight or flight or who suffer from insomnia. It also has an affinity for nervous system excitability or restlessness in adults and children.

Wild Lettuce also has a respiratory component, and its antispasmodic properties really come in handy for symptoms of lung irritation, making it supportive for symptoms of asthma, coughs like pertussis, and bronchitis.

It is crucial that wild lettuce be harvested fresh in order to collect it's milky latex, where it's pain relieving medicinal constituents are found!


Fresh, responsibly wildcrafted wild lettuce, GF 80 proof vodka

How to use

Start with smaller doses and continue every 15 minutes until relief is found and you know the dose for you. 1/2-1 dropper is plenty to start with, and go from there. If you took 1/2 dropper every 15 minutes for an hour until you found relief, then you know that next time you need it, you'll take 2 droppers right away.

This blend supports:


*Note: People with latex allergies should avoid using wild lettuce*

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