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Yarrow Tincture

Yarrow Tincture

Yarrow is a do all and one of my top choices to have in your herbal medicine as her actions support almost every system in the body:

Oral health:  Supports people with bleeding, infected gums and teeth.

Topical: Works great to repel insects or drop on a cut to stop bleeding and instantly disinfect the area

Reproductive Health:  Supports easeful menstruation by reducing heavy bleeding and lessening painful cramping through its emmenagogue and antispasmodic action

Fever:  Yarrow is a classic fever support choice, as it supports hot AND cold fevers by encouraging sweating and venting heat rather than suppressing the fever

Digestion:  As an aromatic bitter, yarrow assists the body with digestion both prophylactically and after the fact by prompting the liver and gallbladder to release bile to encourage digestion, along with promoting movement in the intestinal tract after heavy meals to help with discomfort.  It's antimicrobial action can also help support food poisoning.

Gut Health:  Yarrow is used to help modulate healthy gut bacteria, promote healing in leaky gut spaces, and has been used to help support those with IBS, SIBO, Crohn's, and Colitis as it can not only support the gut but help quell internal bleeding and digestive cramps and spasms.

Urinary health:  Yarrow's antimicrobial, diuretic and astringent action makes her a top candidate for supporting the body through UTIs

Heart health: Yarrow helps to modulate blood pressure, strengthen veins and capillaries, and prevent the formation of blood clots

Varicose Veins, Hemmorhoids, and Lax tissues:  Her astringent + circulatory action makes her a top choice for lax veins in the body!

Inflammation:  Helps to modulate inflammation and promote healing topically and internally in the body

Some of our Yarrow Tinctures from this year were handcrafted by one of our favourite folk herbalists, Lindsey from @hedgeapplekombucha!  It's an honour to allow her to continue her love of herbalism by bringing her on as a SubLuna herbalist while she pursues her family business as well (if you haven't tried kombucha from her, it's amazing AND she ships)


Fresh, homegrown achillea millefolium, GF 80 proof vodka

How to use

Apply directly on affected area for topical wounds and infections. For internal use, take 1-2 droppers as needed throughout the day. For fever support, take 1 drop for every two pounds of bodyweight every 15-30 minutes until relief has been found.

This blend supports:

Oral health: Supports people with bleeding, infected gums and teeth.

Topical: Works great to repel insects or drop on a cut to stop bleeding and instantly disinfect the area

Reproductive Health: Supports easeful menstruation by reducing heavy bleeding and lessening painful cramping through its emmenagogue and antispasmodic action

Fever: Yarrow is a classic fever support choice, as it supports hot AND cold fevers by encouraging sweating and venting heat rather than suppressing the fever

Digestion: As an aromatic bitter, yarrow assists the body with digestion both prophylactically and after the fact by prompting the liver and gallbladder to release bile to encourage digestion, along with promoting movement in the intestinal tract after heavy meals to help with discomfort. It's antimicrobial action can also help support food poisoning.

Gut Health: Yarrow is used to help modulate healthy gut bacteria, promote healing in leaky gut spaces, and has been used to help support those with IBS, SIBO, Crohn's, and Colitis as it can not only support the gut but help quell internal bleeding and digestive cramps and spasms.

Urinary health: Yarrow's antimicrobial, diuretic and astringent action makes her a top candidate for supporting the body through UTIs

Heart health: Yarrow helps to modulate blood pressure, strengthen veins and capillaries, and prevent the formation of blood clots

Varicose Veins, Hemmorhoids, and Lax tissues: Her astringent + circulatory action makes her a top choice for lax veins in the body!

Inflammation: Helps to modulate inflammation and promote healing topically and internally in the body


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